Creating Dataframes with CSV files
I started reading, “Pragmatic AI: An Introduction to Cloud-based Machine Learning” and the below information is reference from the chapter titled: “Predicting Social-Media Influence in the NBA”. In this guide I am going to work with Data from csv files display this data on a few graphs.
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First I import the libraries into my jupyter notebook:

Next I read the data for the csv file

Next I check the data

Lets merge attendance data and valuation data and look at the first few rows

Lets see if we can find a relationship between attendance and team valuation.

When can see there is a correlation between attendance and valuation because the Chicago bulls had the highest attendance and the highest valuation.
Chicago Bull attendance

Compared valuation to attendance

Let see if we can see any outliers by using a heat map
The heat map is pretty interesting because the Brooklyn nets have a $1.8 dollar valuation but have one of the lowest attendance rates.

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