I have always wanted to investigate machine learning, I have read a few articles even watched google I/O 2019 when tensorflow was brought to swift. I really thought I would jump on board since I was an iOS Developer at the time. Fast forward a year and a random amazon search later and some how I am know playing with a AWS DeepLens and I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The aws DeepLens comes in a compact organized box, once opened the developer is greeted with an instruction manual and a url to get started, “aws.amazon.com/deeplens/resources”

I created an aws account before I started registering my deeplen, I do not know what happened along the way but I could not register my device took.

I ended deleting the device and re-registering it

Now I am setup to deploy and start playing with the aws DeepLens in the next article I am hoping to put all those datasets to use that google just released, to learn more checkout Tom Waterman article https://towardsdatascience.com/google-just-published-25-million-free-datasets-d83940e24284.
Once again thanks for reading and if you enjoyed this article give it a couple of claps or leave a comment below. If you liked this article check the below articles out. Stay tuned because I am going to show you how to deploy a project in the next article