After I get done writing about my python journey I will continue on with my blockchain articles. I got side tracked from blockchain and found myself learning about data mining if you are interested in learning more, please click on my first data mining article.
Below is a summary of the Blockchain course I took on coursea and I will start publishing more in-depth articles about the below topics around 10/19!!!!!!!! I might start looking into RChain:
Week 1:
What is blockchain?
The business backdrop
The problem area
Relation to Bitcoin
Requirements for a blockchain in a business environment
Deep Dive
Week 2:
Apply blockchain to business
Why blockchain is relevant for business?
Consensus: Shared reference data
Provenance: Supply chain example
Finality: Letter of credit example
Industry use cases
Customer adoption
Week 3:
How IBM can help you apply blockchain?
IBM and Hyperledger relationship: Blockchain for business
Hyperledger Composer overview
IBM engagement model
Transfer assets in a blockchain
Blockchain asset transfer demo
Lab 1: Transfer assets
Week 4:
Components and Structure
Business network is defined by Models, Script Files, ACLs and Metadata and packaged into a .bna
Peer Nodes
- Need t o be configured with proper certs
- Need to validate and update the ledger managed on the peer node
- highly scalable
Anchor peer
- Receives the blocks
- Updated the other peers in the org
- Setup at the channel level
- Discoverable
- Peer marked as endorser — client sends to endosre
- Validates teh transactions,
- checks if end users used vaild cert
- Executes teh codes
- Does not save the state to the ledger
- Either rejects the transactions or responds back with endoser transaction
- Job is to protect network, misbehaving or misconfiged nodes to the network
- Endorser is only one needs to execute chain codes
Client Node
- Responsible for initialing transactions
- Endorsement policy
- Creates txn request and send to endorser
- connect to endosrser to be endosrer
- Depends on chian defined in endorsement policy
- which peers to use as endorser
- criteria for valid transactions
- chaincode defines the endorsement policy
- criteria is used by the peers — number of endorsements need or % or endorsements needed
- Specified at the time of deployment of chaincode, default policy is any one peer can endoser transactions request
- Peers — keeping ledger in sync with network
- Users policy to validate the transactions
- Are all endorsement valid
- Check crtieria
- Are the endorsemet comming from right sources
Client Peer & Endorsing Policies
- Client initiates the transactions and sends it to one or more endorsers
- Criteria for who can send the transactions is not part of endorsement policy
- Default any one peer can endorse the transaction
- Endorsement policy is checked by the peer before it adds the transactions to the transaction log
Orderer Nodes
- Responsible for consistent ledger state across the network
- Ensurse order of transactions
- Atomic develvery
- Solo — Message oriented middleware
- Kafka — clustering for high throughput, scalling and fault tolerance
- clients broadcast the endorser transaction using Orderer
- Provides communication layer — implemented with Messaging system solo or kafka solo default.
Membership Service Provider(MSP)
- PKI base implementation of MSP
- Authenticate
- Is the peers cert valid
- is the peer allowed
- Authorize
- Can this user issue identifies
- can the user deploy chaincode
Identity Management
- Issuance, validation, revocation
Certification Authority
- A trusted party that affirms the identify of an entity by signing the cert containing the entities public key
- Registration authority
- Validation Authority
Business Network Cards
- Admin Rolw — peer admin -> network admin
- Network admin -> create participants and can destinate other participants to create new participants
- Has credentials, keys and certs and
Please checkout the below links
Resume website —
Linkedin —