I have allocated the next couple of months to learning everything I can about hyperledger. I plan on creating a Github repo and documenting my work in a README.md, I also plan on posting daily articles about what I learned.
DAY ONE: Started the day with a simple Google search, “Hyperledger tutorial”, opened a few links and read and few articles. Purchased a course on Udemy by, Rajeev Sakhuja called “Blockchain Development on Hyperledger Fabric using Composer”. I also enrolled in IBM blockchain for developers through coursera. I just decided to write about my journey 30 mins ago, I hope to learn more about hyperledger, blockchain and maybe become a better writer or at least become more comfortable with writing. Below are links to two different README.md explaining what I learned.
Basic Overview of blockchain and Fabric — https://github.com/tommy3531/HyperLedger_Tutorial
Project structure and how to start rest-server, composer, and npm — https://github.com/tommy3531/HyperLedger_Tutorial/blob/master/tutorial-network/README.md
Suggestions and comments are appreciated! Looking forward to sharing and learning :). See ya tomorrow!!!
DAY TWO- https://medium.com/@tommarler/hyperledger-daily-articles-for-next-149-days-day-two-fd4ba57a81bc
Please checkout the below links
Linkedin — https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-m-bb4857112/