If you missed day one check it out here:
How to retrieve a list of all user credentials via SQL Injection
I found this in main.js

The only page that provided different information when I was logged in was /adminstration.

SQL Injection http://webapplication21.herokuapp.com/rest/product/search?q=’)) UNION SELECT FROM Users —

Had to research what this meant basically I need to list the number of columns

Read this https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/41397

Trail and error with tables was a bit challenging
Get registered as admin user
I found the path /api/Users earlier, just did know what it did.

I Finally decided to register as a new, noticed request to Users was made.

Clicked on Users and noticed isAdmin is sent as false, maybe sent a POST with true?????
Retrieve the language file that never made it into production

Looks like I will start following the trail by starting with component, I also find matcher: Ca pretty interesting. Checking ctrl+f login

ctrl+f user (main.js)


Please checkout the below links
Resume website — https://tommarler.org
Linkedin — https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-m-bb4857112/