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Understanding Organic Traffic with Google Analytics , python and scapy
This article will explain how I sent up my development environment and what I hope to achieve.
What I hope understand?
Gain a better understanding of organic traffic and SEO
How do I plan on understanding organic traffic?
I will use gatsbyjs to create a simple resume site and host it on netlify. I will use google analytics to analyse the network traffic of my site I will create fake network packets with scapy that will hopefully represent real human traffic and increase my ranking on google. I also plan on using selenium to represent real traffic that was generated by a real human using a modern web browser.
What is Gatsbyjs?
Modern framework for building websites, tools included are react, graphql and many more
Why I chose Gatsby?
Wanted to learn react, needed a framework where I could just focus on writing the code I needed. Server rendering, page metadata and plugin support to improve SEO.
What is scapy?
Is a powerful packet manipulation program, it is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more.
Does scapy have its own console?